The Merton Community Plan 2020-26 sets out the Merton Partnership’s long-term ambitions for the borough and the overall direction and priorities the Partnership will focus on. The Community Plan sets out the key priorities that Merton Partnership members want to work on together
Voluntary Sector and Volunteering Strategy
In November 2016 the Merton Partnership Executive Board approved a new Voluntary Sector and Volunteering Strategy developed by a Working Group established by Merton’s Compact Board. The Working Group comprised members of the Merton Partnership representing statutory bodies, the voluntary sector and the business sector. The Merton Partnership Conference on 14 November 2016 was devoted to the development of this strategy and refining the draft recommendations of the Working Group. The Voluntary Sector and Volunteering Strategy was also reviewed and endorsed by Merton Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Commission and its Cabinet. It comprises priorities and actions to guide and inform all members of the Merton Partnership to enable the voluntary sector in Merton to continue to flourish in these challenging times.